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Last few days left for new year … and I am sure most of you already planning how to spend the 31stnight and what resolutions to make in order to eventually break them.

Hence to make things a bit easier here I am giving you top 10 of my own personal thoughts of what you can do to make your 2016 a success.

  • Meditate: if you are already doing it then plan to increase the intensity and time… and if you have been thinking about starting then yea its high time you do it. You might be thinking why I am putting meditation as the first goal, well like before we build a house we lay a foundation of strong bricks and pillars in the same way calming one’s mind and learning to focus and concentrate lays the foundation to a better overall well being of an individual. Remember if you don’t have a strong mind you lack will power and if you lack will power then failure will stay your permanent companion. So MEDITATE, MEDITATE, MEDITATE. Just few minutes in morning and evening will do wonders, open up possibilities that you never knew exist.
  • Exercise: Your mind works better when your body is fitter. So invest your time and energy to create a strong, powerful and a flexible body. The smart way to do this is to incorporate different types of training modules. Many of you stick to one kind of training, make a goal this year to work your body in different ways, balance your workouts with strength training, cardio vascular and endurance training, flexibility and core, functionality training. This will give you an all-round physical development.
  • Diet: So it’s the time of the year with weddings, parties and holidays around the corner also the bitter winter making it next to impossible to just run outside for a walk or jog. Even getting up early is a task. So somewhere you have to balance out your calories … if workouts are not possible for an hour everyday then at least make sure you are aware of what you are putting in your plate. keep a track of what you are eating and plan out your diet in advance. Don’t wait for the last moment. If going out take something from home so you don’t have to eat junk when your stomach starts growling. Planning is the first stage for effective weight management. So plan your meals daily beforehand and keep your calories in check.
  • Learn a new skill: This is a must to do in the list. From the moment we come into this world till the day we die, all we really are doing is learning. Growth happens when you learn. So plan out what you are going to learn this coming year which will help you grow either in your professional field or in your personal growth. It’s always better to learn from your own experience and wisdom then to blindly follow others. Learning also helps keep your brain young. An added advantage, also keep you from getting bored.
  • Get a hobby: Not all of us are lucky enough to get hobbies as one’s professional career. Most of us still slog 9-5 or are homemakers who practically get no Me- time for themselves. So I say either get a job like hobby or cultivate one this new year. Do something you totally wanted to do since a long time but never found the time. Get Creative with this. You never know your hobbies might just become your vocation.
  • Read a good book: It’s rightly said that a ‘Book is a Man’s Best Friend’. Make it a point to read at least one book every week. The more you read more wisdom you gather. so cultivate the habit of reading.
  • Create a life vision: One of the most important goals in life is knowing who you are and what are you here for. So spending time every now and then being present and reflecting on yourself really helps you be more aware and take the right decisions for your future. So having a life goal really sets you up for success and makes you more productive. So take a pen and paper and write down what you really want in life? And does what you want align with your purpose of what you are here for. There are only 3 main criteria’s for planning a life goal: 1) experience 2) growth 3) contribution. so whenever you plan your goals remember to touch all these areas.
  • Forgiving and letting go of the past: pick one person or incident in your life which you feel is the reason why you are so miserable and start practicing forgiveness on that person or incident through meditation and visualization. God has sent every person good or bad in your life for a purpose to teach you something that you need to learn. Each and every small and big events that happen to us happen for a reason. And trust me that reason is always for your best. So thinking about it on these lines just forgive and let go. You will carry lesser weight on your mind and soul.
  • Adventure and leisure time: We all need to let our hair down once in a while and just relax and this is so important for our mental and spiritual growth too. So plan a mini or long vacation even a complete day out of the city can do wonders. But remember to keep all your worries and tensions at home when you are out enjoying. And Yes plan to do some crazy stuff, which you normally would never attempt. Just live life at large.
  • Be yourself: Just BE YOURSELF! Says it all. Yes its true we are all coming from the same source but still we are individuals manifesting ourselves uniquely on this earth. So spend time with yourself, don’t try hard to be someone you don’t want to be under pressure, no one knows you better than you, so give yourself a little credit and have faith in yourself. This 2016 make sure you do at least one thing for yourself and that is give unconditional love and support to the one that is sitting right inside you, your soul. That’s who you are, the most amazing, beautiful, pure, powerful, intelligent being. So please take care of yourself. And change those habits which make you anything other than who you truly are.


So guys I guess I have been able to successfully compile what according to me should be in your priority list this coming year. Be free to add anything more you think you might need.

Happy holidays to all of you ! May god show you the light.

Leaving you with this beautiful poem by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda :

Whether he replies or not,

Keep calling Him –

Ever calling in the chamber

Of continuous prayer.

Whether He comes or not.

Believe He is ever approaching

Nearer to you

With each command of your hearts love

Whether He answers or not,

Keep entreating Him.

Even if He makes no reply

In the way you expect,

Ever know that in some subtle way

He will respond.

In the darkness of your deepest prayers,

Know that with you He is playing


And in the midst of the dance of life, disease, and death,

If you keep calling Him,

Undepressed by His seeming silence,

You will receive His answer.
