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The burpee is the exercise everyone loves to hate but ask any fitness professional or coach, they’ll tell you burpees are one of the most effective total-body exercises you can throw into a workout.

First let me answer few of the most important questions regarding Burpees , why are they so popular among the fitness enthusiasts;

Q.How many calories do you burn doing 10 burpees?

A.According to if you weigh 155 lbs and do burpees nonstop for one hour you can burn more than 563 calories. To make it simpler, let’s say that for one-minute basic burpees done correctly, you can burn an average of 10 calories. 

Q.Is doing burpees better than running?

A.Like running, burpees burn a lot of calories. That’s because they represent a full-body workout, utilizing muscles from your feet to your neck and shoulders. For this reason burpees are considered a high-intensity exercise, meaning they burn roughly 50 percent more fat than moderate exercises like cycling.

Q.Do burpees build muscle?

A.Of course, but don’t expect massive muscle gains. Burpees are a great way to work your chest as well as your lower body during the explosive jump at the end. While they definitely aid in muscle building, they mainly aid in muscular endurancebuilding, not mass building.

Q.Do burpees help lose belly fat?

A.Burpees make your body a fat burning machine. That’s because since burpees are an intense fully body exercise, they burn a ton of calories. Plus, research shows that high intensity exercises like burpees burn up to 50% more fat than moderate exercising.

Q.What happens when you do burpees?

A.With every rep, you’ll work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. After a few sets of burpees, your legs will feel a bit like lead, your arms will shake and you’ll feel your muscles getting stronger.

Yes! Burpee is definitely my go to workout whenever I have less time or feel a low down. It brings me up again with renewed  energy and positivity.

“Burpees target the entire body — the nature of the movement involves the muscles of the legs, trunk, chest, shoulders and arms,” says Lee Boyce, a Toronto-based strength coach and college professor.

Burpees are the ultimate one-stop-shop exercise, but paired with other bodyweight exercises like pushups, planks and squats, provides a complete workout regimen without having to leave the house.

Burpees are an efficient calorie burner and a way to spike your heart rate in a very short period of time. The best part about them is that there’s no equipment needed to perform them and there are ways to progress the exercise (like adding a pushup amid each rep) or modify the exercise (like eliminating the jump from the rep) depending on your fitness level.

So, sure burpees are hard, but why not commit to doing them everyday for the next 31 days? After that, you’ll either want to do them forever or never again … hopefully the former.:)

Below I have included the workout plan for each day progressing till Day 31.

Try doing the exercises as given in the table also keeping in mind proper form and technique. Beginners or who have any health issue can do the modified versions but again always remember why you are attempting this in the first place and what are you getting from it, if you keep your goals in mind while doing it ,I am sure you won’t miss even a day.

Best of Luck!

Thank you !