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People come to the idea of weight loss management for various reasons. Like the swim suit season, wedding, special occasion or sometimes just look more attractive for the partner. But for many improved health is one of the best motivation for lifestyle changes.

Weight loss does not involve miracle pills or shake down shakes. It takes work and commitment. It also takes TIME.

A weight you are trying to lose did not appear in a week so won’t go away in a week. A healthy pace is 500 gm to 1 kg per week.

Making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle won’t just help you get back to those old jeans of yours, it will also allow you to set a good example for your children that they can follow into adulthood.

It will help you feel better as you go about your normal daily activities. It will improve your endurance so you can do the things you love for longer, without getting tired. It will improve your mood and self-image. It can even save you money from medical bills.

Weight management isn’t all that complicated either. Numerous studies have shown that healthy eating is all about BALANCE – consuming no more calories than you can burn in a day at your present activity level. You don’t have to buy any weight loss pills or protein shakes nor do you have to subscribe to any diet plan.

You just have to become more mindful of what you put in your mouth and how much you put out in terms of physical activities. Just tracking your calories in and out throughout the day helps you stay in balance.. I know this must sound like a tedious job of constantly taking out your notepads or looking at calorie counters online to count calories.. But if you look at it like as a one time investment plan where you do this for a while, as in 21 days of logging in food and exercise in a journal… It will become a habit and in the process you will learn a lot about the foods you eat and most importantly what your body wants and how it works. This information about yourself will set you free forever. As you won’t need to follow any diet plans or go for any supplements. You know exactly what your body needs and you know how to give it. And this leads to a complete lifestyle change without getting all stressed up. A gradual process and a sustainable one.

Remember long term weight loss involves a complete lifestyle change. It does get uncomfortable at times and some day it will seem easier to give up. So it’s important to understand all the obstacles in the way of weight loss and take the ownership of them if you need to make long term changes.

Some common obstacles are:

  • I don’t have time to exercise
  • I don’t like “ Healthy Food”
  • I don’t have time to eat healthy
  • I travel too much/ eat at restaurants too much
  • I can’t afford health food/gym membership
  • I can’t do it alone
  • Genetics – my whole family is big
  • Bad examples set by others in your house
  • Emotional Eating

The whole journey is waiting for you and the first step begins here. Identifying your obstacle first then tackle it at the root find the cause the reason ask for help and remove it from its roots. Overwrite these negative suggestions with positive ones.


About Metabolism:

You can speed up your metabolism with time, consistency and patience. After experiencing a variety of diets, you must allow your body to gradually adapt to a new metabolic set point. If you’re trying to lose weight set your calorie allowance and don’t vary it. Recommended calorie intake ranges from 1200 to 1400 for women and 1600 for men per day.

And the best way to pump up your metabolism to exercise. You’ll burn calories during and after your workout, while building lean muscle tissue, which speeds up metabolism over time. Aim for an hour of exercise at least 5 times a week. Sometimes due to various circumstances you might not be able to get dedicated hour for your workouts in that case one simple solution is to break your routine in 10 -15 mins short workout circuits… distribute it throughout the day , this is an excellent way to get the workout you need without compromising on time and effort . And also an added bonus you keep burning the entire day.

Also one last thing I would like to add to an effective weight loss management is to say goodbye to

Yo-Yo dieting once and for all.

Healthy long term lifestyle change is all you need.

Thank you !