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Every person is born to be successful and happy. Failure, unhappiness and mental unrest are produced by negative thinking and dis-empowering beliefs, which we harbour and nurture willingly.

We can achieve anything and everything we desire in life. We have the power to do so, within ourselves. All we need is to recognize and understand the power of our mind, scientifically. Once we do so, we can utilize it to the full potential possible.

Between wakefulness and sleep lies a special kind of state called the subconscious also known as the Alpha state. If we visualize our goals during this stage, we can achieve them more easily.

The subconscious mind has tremendous power. And during the alpha state, it accepts all the commands and messages it receives, without logic- starts working on them.

so imagine how your life would change if you knew exactly how you can get anything you want or believed in. just take a moment and think about it!!!! Pause


let us begin our journey into the fascinating world of our own minds…

Guess what :” even the most successful people have used less than 10% of their mind power.”

Most of the people do not the difference between brain and the mind. They tend to use words interchangeably. Actually these terms refer to two distinct entities.

The brain is a physical entity. It is a part of our body. You can see, touch feel and cut open the brain. The mind on the other hand is a functional entity. It cannot be seen, touched or cut opened it can only be felt like an electricity. We can use it any way we like .

A good example would be that your brain is the computer and your mind the software program.

What is mind.

Mind is energy, a power, very similar to electricity, which cannot be seen or touched but can be used or misused. It is an intangible and invisible power in our body.

We have two types of mind:

The conscious Mind

The Subconscious Mind

The conscious mind is active when we are awake. It becomes inactive when we are asleep or unconscious. The subconscious mind on the other hand is active 24 hours a day. Through the powers of the subconscious mind, we are able to achieve health, wealth and happiness. Until now, we knew very little about it.

Only in the recent years researchers have started   exploring more into this field of subconscious mind.

One of the functions of the conscious mind is Thinking

When we are awake and conscious we are continuously thinking. This is a power of the conscious mind we are free to think positively or negatively.

It is very important to think positively because whatever we think during the working hours gets absorbed into the subconscious mind during our sleep remember when the conscious mind is inactive the subconscious mind takes it as command to work and produce results accordingly( positive or negative)

Even though most people agree that it is desirable to think positive a lot of people find it difficult to ward off negative thoughts. For them just one suggestion don’t try hard to get rid of negative thought just make conscious efforts to replace them with positive thoughts. The moment you become aware of negative thought in your mind just try and replace it with a positive one.

Moreover install positive thoughts on regular basis voluntarily. Do it regularly for 21 days without a single break and your habit of negative thinking will get replaced by positive thinking) this works like a miracle.

Watchman at the gate of the subconscious mind

This is a very important function of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind has unlimited powers but it has certain limitations. It lacks the power of logic and therefore cannot differentiate between good or bad command

Thus in order to prevent any mishaps the conscious mind which has the power of logic acts as a watchman at the gate of the subconscious mind choosing the commands that enter it. If the conscious has been trained to only allow positive thoughts to enter the gate as in the case of positive minded people. It will act accordingly.

But if the conscious mind has been rendered inactive or has not been trained to filter out negative thoughts then you know what happens next.

So we see here how important it is to train our conscious mind to deliver positive commands to our subconscious mind in order to get good results n success.

Tell me something can a man bite another man? And is there any cure for that???

Here biting is symbolically representing the statements we hear daily from our parents or peers or passer-by’s telling us how stupid we are , we are no body’s we cannot achieve anything, too lazy dumb or you are fat and ugly no one will ever love you on and on..

So even if u do practice positivity and you don’t say or mean bad for others but you still get the bitings then how should you protect yourself ….

If you recite this sentence regularly it will protect you against all negative commands. Recite this positive affirmation three times before you start your day.

Remember two things here:


Repeat this daily minimum 3 times before you sleep and as soon as you get up. You can do this as many times AS possible during the day. This acts like a vaccination to prevent negative thoughts entering your mind. But if unfortunately they do enter at some point then you use what I call is the first-aid.

  • First – Aid: if someone tells you that you are a moron , good for nothing person and that you will fail miserably in your life and so on and on… very quickly in your mind you will tell “CANCEL, CANCEL , I AM GOOD , I AM A GENIUS, AND I AM SUCCESSFUL IN EVERYTHING I DO”

So basically we are bandaging the superficial wound caused by the negative words. so this way it won’t penetrate till your subconscious and prevent it from acting on it.

One very important note to the parents: Never say anything negative to your kids ever even if you mean well. Always focus on their positivity for example if your child is on the heavier side and you want her to start taking care of this .instead of pointing out how fat or unhealthy she is..focus on her strengths first could be that she is really good in something or simply its her attitude towards life or her caring and helpful nature … you make her start loving herself first and then slowly show her that becoming healthy and fit has got nothing to do with her looks or popularity but these only compliment her beautiful self-further. So basically in whatever she lacks we take the focus off it and put it on things she is good in … once she gets to know her self-worth then automatically  her mind will move on to the things she needs to correct herself.. so give her some space and trust her in her abilities .


To conclude here you have realized the power of your conscious mind.. They seem a lot but still they account for only 10 % of the mind power. The remaining 90 % power lies with the subconscious mind.

In case of human beings the conscious mind gradually develops from birth to adulthood whereas the subconscious mind is already working at its full potential, right from birth. Yet most of us know very little about this powerful and large part of the mind.

Now let us take a look at few of the main functions of our subconscious mind.

-Storehouse of memory

Most people believe that memory is the power of the conscious mind, but in reality it is the power of both minds. Everyone has immense memory power. The reason why some people seem to have less memory is because they have not cultivated it. Memory is like an wild elephant. It has a lot of power, but you cannot use it if you do not train it.

There are three steps:

  1. Registration      2. Storage       3. Retrieval

Storage is done in the subconscious mind while registration and retrieval are done by the conscious mind. There are many techniques used by many scientist to train ones memory for better result..

We can try a small experiment right now: (go back to the slide)


  1. Emotional Quotient

EQ is more important than IQ only high IQ is no guarantee for success

There are two types of emotions:

  1. Positive Emotions Negative emotions

Examples of positive emotions are love, mercy, forgiveness, gratitude, bliss, faith, tolerance, patience and compassion.

Examples of negative emotions are fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, sadism, worry, doubt, and intolerance.

As emotions are subjective rather than objective or logical we can rightfully say that they are under the control of the subconscious mind .hence the proverb ‘Love is Blind’

EQ is basically the ratio of positive and negative emotions

To increase our EQ we must increase the quantity of our positive emotions.

  • Influence over the Universe

Our subconscious mind has influence not only over ourselves but also over the entire universe. This may seem like an overstatement to you but let me explain. It is said that Moses parted the waters of the red sea to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. This has been so wonderfully portrayed in the film the Ten Commandments.

Here is another example. What happens when we drop a stone in water? It will sink right? Yet in the Hindu epic Ramayana when the monkey devotees of lord Rama carried and dropped huge boulders in the sea with the name ‘Ram” written on them they floated and not just that they formed a bridge from India to Sri lanka! What was happening there… I believe that the devotion of the monkeys towards Lord Rama was so intense, it activated their subconscious mind so strongly that they made even the stones float.

Solution to all problems:

The Almighty has given us the subconscious mind as his agent to help us in times of need. Just like in holy books they say in order to feel the presence of god one has to go within himself. Our subconscious mind is a part of that infinite intelligence. But we are unaware about it and therefore never approached it. Once we become aware, we feel the power and presence of the almighty within us.

We all have a subconscious mind that listen to our problems, gives solutions provides us with unending opportunities health wealth peace and the strength to draw the cosmic power to fulfill all our desires.

But we must use this power not only to better ourselves but for the betterment of the world we live in.

So to brief it up your subconscious mind is a powerhouse of possibilities in itself. You can achieve anything you conceive and pass it on to the subconscious mind. It acts as your slave and your conscious mind is its master. So you need to be direct in giving it orders. it acts on negative commands faster than positive ones. Especially on young kids and people who haven’t trained their conscious minds.

Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real command and a joke either. So if you jokingly call yourself fit for nothing lazy.. Your subconscious makes you exactly that. So in order to train your subconscious mind to listen to your conscious mind you need to train your conscious mind to be adept in passing only positive statements to your subconscious.

Now a very important note about goal setting and goal achieving

Before we set a goal, we need to think analyse, interpret, and judge. These are all powers of the conscious mind. Thus goal setting is a function of the conscious mind. Once we decide a goal and pass it on to our subconscious mind it starts planning to make it a reality. It creates opportunities, solves problems and create favourable environment for our goal, which are to be understood and seized upon by our conscious mind. Gradually the goal becomes a reality. This is a sure way of achieving success.

Different states of mind

There are 4 states of mind named after the Greek letters – Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta

Alert state is the beta state. Alpha state mind we are in the subconscious state of mind. We sleep in the theta state. Delta state is where we are unconscious.


The Alpha State of mind.

In this state our subconscious mind is receptive to messages from our conscious mind. Therefore it is very important to learn techniques how to effectively use this state in order to create a favourable environment for our subconscious mind to accept our commands and start acting on them.

One method to induce this state is called self-hypnosis method.. Where you relax ur body and mind conscious telling it exactly what you want consciously then recalling your subconscious on a conscious level induce auto suggestions.

How to do our own Programming

To enjoy happiness and unending success in life, it is essential to follow these steps for self-programming.

Let us elaborate

  1. Commit yourself to the upliftment of yourself, your family, your surrounding and the entire human race.
  2. Make a map of your life.. You need to form a definite goal. Your goal should be personal, positive, practical, time- bound, measurable and to some extent flexible.
  3. Develop a strong belief conducive to your goal. Remember whatever your subconscious mind accepts as true becomes your belief. If your beliefs are in line with your goals, it helps you in the process of achieving it.
  4. Charge your goals with positive emotions. Our goals should be such that whenever we think of it we should get charged with positive emotions. Our heart should start pounding and adrenaline secretions go up.
  5. Visualize your goal under relaxation daily: the subconscious mind only remembers and stores only those messages which are in pictorial forms. It can only understand pictures hence when you want to send a message to your subconscious mind make it into a movie full of pictures, colours, sound smell.. Include all your 5 senses to create a vivid visuals with complete details. Review these images daily with vigour and positive emotions u must do this under the relaxation technique for at least 20 mins daily. If you do this without fail you will definitely reach your goals faster.
  6. Give auto suggestions: auto suggestion as the name suggests means giving suggestions to your own subconscious mind. By giving auto suggestion we can increase our self-confidence and ward off any negative thoughts.
  7. Use maximum catalyst: term is from chemistry it simply means presence of a substance in a process which speeds up the activity …

So in this case we can use these as the catalyst to speed up our subconscious mind activity:

Fasting, Silence, Prayer, Positive thinking, Meditation, alpha music.

  1. Wait for the results: Remember this always” Nobody can achieve anything before the proper time and more than he has visualized.”

Always trust the powers of your subconscious mind. Never doubt. Wait patiently do work consistently and with utmost sincerity and have complete faith in yourself and the universe.

Trust me you will never fail.

Prerequisites for Programming








While using your subconscious mind keep in mind these simple precautions.

  1. It is important to understand that we do not need to give any specific directions to the subconscious mind regarding achieving our goals. Doing so indicates that we do not have full faith in its abilities and as a result it stops working for the achievement of our goal.
  2. We also need not force our subconscious mind in any way. After giving orders to it, we just need to relax and wait. It is a very faithful servant that works according to our orders but resents any type of pressure on the subconscious mind. Have faith.
  3. These are few factors which can influence the subconscious mind either in a positive way or negative way.
  • HOPE
  • JOKE


So friends hope you got a gist of this … I know one thing kids learn a great deal from their parents so if u wish to change them start changing yourself first. Take out some time sit and write down all your positive and negative points.. check all that you need to change make affirmations and do it now!

Show your kids too let them see how you are doing it and see how fast they get influenced and start doing this by themselves. None of us are perfect can never be but at least we can try to achieve a bit of balance in our lives and of those around us.

Self-development is an ongoing process that should never stop so keep it going and always work towards being an improved version of yourselves.


All the best!!

B+ 😉