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The idea of almost – daily hour long workouts sounds exhausting right? well the experts assures you that it wont feel like that if you simply break up your workouts three ” Hard days of exercise, such as tabata or interval training, along with two moderate days and one ” passive” or light – exercise day . You don’t have to train like an Olympian all the time, but it’s about the mindset and building in those habits. I guarantee that someone who has the habit of training six days a week , even if they miss a couple, is going to be more consistent than someone who only trains three days a week. Just like how regular brushing maintains your healthy beautiful smile, a habitual workout routine will produce real weight loss results . 

Now what if you are travelling a lot or you are on a vacation with family , you have no space of your own and the wheather outside sucks .. on days like these , squeezing in one hour might not only seem challenging but next to impossible . So what’s the next best thing you can do in this scenario ? You can break down the 60 mins into 10-15 mins slots of interval or some intense workout circuits , which will not only burn fat also give you a good cardiovascular for your heart and at the same time help you lift up your mood . Right now this is exactly what I am doing in NEW YORK . 🙂 and believe me it works like a magic , you don’t feel wasted at the end of the day and you can still very much carry on whatever you are doing or whatever your plans are without worrying about your hour long workout session. 

makes you feel less guilty and you can still give yourself the treat you have been eyeing for a long time . ;0)

But the key here is to always find some good intense routine , including squats, planks , burpees , push ups daily can create a huge difference . Also there is no need to kill yourself if you miss a day just make sure you compensate it by clean eating and keeping yourself mobile as much as possible . Walking is the next best thing to can do . Mix up things and keep it interesting and you will never get bored . 

Also if push ups and burpees are not your cup of tea , you just want to relax and do some light holistic workouts then switch to yoga or pilates. Helps you feel energized and calm, just squeeze in few rounds of suryanamaskars in the morning and you will see the difference yourself . 

So do something everyday , don’t get too fussy or rigid but make sure whatever you do count at the end of your day. exercise is like the lubricant needed by the body to maintain and function optimally just as food is the fuel needed for the body to stay alive. So exercise daily . Make it your mantra. Never go a day without moving your body , remember your body is only a machine and is meant to move and do hardcore stuff. 

A good reminder for you to get out of your comfort zone before its too late:

Staying comfortable has never gotten anyone anywhere . ( read the autobiographies of great people you will see they were all movers and shakers ) 

You can discover your gift by leaving your comfort zone. ( again think about all your achievements , did you get them sitting on your butt or really working hard and going out of the way)

Once you are out of your comfort zone, you can use your gift to help people ( Best Example Mother Theresa ) 

Leaving your comfort zone brings a sense of accomplishments ( again look into your life , you are the best judge!)

You will never know what you can achieve if you stay comfortable ( think about the time you lost a lot of weight ? were you really comfortable doing that ? you got your answer)

So guys get up and MOVE. Try to motivate yourself when you’d rather rest and remember that the point of all this is to do what you LOVE.