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During winters and the holiday season, the one question that troubles most of us is how do I continue with my workout routine?. the reason we fail is cause we are always setting big and impossible goals thinking if we aim real high we might hit somewhere in the middle.. But unfortunately this is never the case we only hit rock bottom most of the time and that’s when we just give up.

So is there a way around this? Well yes there is and it is tried and tested by most of the leading fitness trainers in the industry including myself. Though I wouldn’t say I am all that perfect but with years of trail and errors and experience I do have some achievements up my sleeve so to speak …

In my case the realization dawned when I used to set real high challenges for myself , and what happened was exactly what happens I couldn’t keep up with it after couple of days … cause my challenges used to be so challenging that my body would refuse to cooperate after a day or two ..For example I set myself to do 500 push up pulses one time.. It was for a month but I could do it only for 15 days … of course it still was an achievement of sorts as I could do it while vacationing with family..

Still my point is since that I haven’t been able to do or have any interest in doing anymore push up pulses …


I thought about this, I had completely worn myself out and got bored doing the same thing same number of times … it does get boring so I really don’t blame my clients anymore for dropping out of such challenges.

So what’s next how to overcome this and create something more sustainable and effective? Well there is a way. And this is what I have started.. Instead of keeping high reps and very difficult exercises … we start with low reps and simple exercise..


For example instead of going straight 100 pushups daily, I have started with 50 straight push ups with some rest in-between. And a 2 min elbow plank hold. And this is my 10 day challenge. Today was my 4th day and I already see the difference in my overall performance from day 1.


you can also try doing this beginner version of elevated push ups to start with till you gain more strength  to do straight ones.





My main focus is on my core and posture the entire time , going very slowly pushing my weight through my shoulders chest and arms also keeping my core engaged all the time , which allows the entire body to work out effectively doing just one thing. It’s amazing.

Same with the plank hold.


So ladies this is my real small tiny goal for these 10 days, and yes I will change it once I get there add something new and innovative. This way I keep my mind on the goal and knowing it is doable and within my limits, there is less than 1 % chance of me failing. And the best part I ca do it anywhere anytime .

What I am trying to put forth is that stop making huge goals.. Do small doable ones only thing to keep in mind is do it with the right attitude and focus.

Even 10 pushups daily is good if done with the right form and mindfulness.

To make life easier for you I have listed few sets of challenges that each of you can pick depending your taste and get going with it … all you need is the commitment and the desire to get it done daily before retiring to bed.



  • DAILY PLANK CHALLENGE 2 WEEKS – do a 2 min plank challenge daily after your workouts or whatever you do for exercising. You can start on your straight hands first then move down to elbow. You can also take breaks in between make it a 30 secs round. Whatever you do remember you have to get to doing whole 2 mins planks without blinking a muscle.


  • 2 WEEKS CRUNCH CHALLENGE – do these 5 variations of crunches daily for a 1min each.

Goal is to count as many reps as you can and increase the reps daily till you reach the maximum rep on the last day. But remember abs are done with controlled movements and with right form so nothing too fast and jerky. Here are the 5 exercises:













1) Clam Pose Crunche

2) Reverse crunch

3) Jack knives

4) Bicycle Crunch

5) Plank superman


  • 2 WEEKS DAILY BURPEE CHALLENGE – wow this is my favorite and can’t wait to start this right after my 50 push up challenge. Personally I find burpees far easier than pushups. You get to take breaks for your arms while doing burpees.

The challenge is simple just like the pushup you will try to do the burpees all 100 of them consecutively in sets of 10 or 20 as you are comfortable, time yourself up so you can gauge your progress at the end of the 15 th day.











Now these are few basic challenges you can aim for , these are to be done outside your daily workout routine.

.So even if you did 50 burpees while doing your exercise routine . You still have to do 100 that day .

What you do during your workouts are not counted as challenge.

Challenge has to be somewhat challenging or its no fun,Right!?

So please share your experiences too , would love to hear how it went .

Wish you all the best! will be posting more challenges in a short while . and if any of you have any suggestion please  share with me , would love to hear them.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article.

Thank you

Stay fit.


your fitness trainer.:)