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This topic is very close to my heart as I have always been on the journey searching for answers regarding how one can become great , become limitless, become whoever she or he wants to and The best way to find these answers are always by reading and watching famous personalities who have made it big in their lifetime. Be it in Business, Art, science, Spirituality, or Sports… they may have been involved in different fields altogether but they all share one common thing, and that is the passion to achieve what they dream of and they also know that in end it’s not about showing to the world what you are capable of doing but most importantly it is knowing yourself what you really are capable of. Your greatness.

So today I am going to write about what makes such people different from the rest.

One question that I am sure most of us ask whenever we hear about some great athlete, how he achieved his dreams in spite of so many odds and how they strived to be the greatest is that what makes them tick? What do they think? How do they put all that into action day in and day out? What pushes them to break the limits and barriers? Mostly why do they even do it?

I mean why getting out of bed early morning every single day of your life, pushing yourself to do all the hard workouts , watching every micronutrient in your diet daily, staying disciplined and determined all the time. Wow already this sounds so exhausting isn’t it? And that’s why most of us don’t even go there. We like our comfort zones. But life begins at the end of the comfort zone, we have all heard this one. Right!

When I saw Milkha singh the movie. I was awestruck by the sheer determination and passion of one man who just loved to run, he ran and he ran, till his feet hurt and started bleeding now what was really going on in his head when he was running the race? We all know what he had been through in his childhood and how the India – Pak division had destroyed him. But did all that stop him from his greatness. Was he thinking oh am I looking good while doing this? Or who’s watching me? Or was he thinking how can I get famous and rich? No No No , such athletes and sportsmen only think of one thing and that is crossing the finish line not for anyone or anything but for themselves, cause at that time they are only playing for themselves . That’s the mental makeup of great men and women of sports. They put in their life and blood in to what they believe.

One more point to ponder about is how they think. When they set a goal, they just look at it as how I am going to achieve it and what I need to do to achieve it.

Most of us , even before setting any goals we go, I Can’t , or I DON’T know, or I SHOULDN’T.

Now you see the difference here is so minute, for athletes it is always I CAN’ that’s it, nothing beyond it no self-doubts, even if they arise they are fast to negate it by replacing them with positive thoughts.

So it is all really about what is your mental makeup and how do you make it strong and fortified.

Let’s take another example whom I really admire is Lance Armstrong. The world famous cyclists. He always knew what he wanted, he started at the age of 16 and more importantly, he is a cancer survivor. He said” If you ever get a second chance, you’ve got to go all the way”.

This really drives home the point that never ever give up, you will fall again and again but what’s important is how many more times will you get up and fight back.

Another common trait in such men are the willingness to fail and learn and fight again.

What do you think, are these people born this way? Some might say yea maybe it’s in their genes or god gifted maybe! Well I don’t think God is so partial that he choose only few to be great and the rest to be failures. So think again, the only difference between them and the rest is the fact that they knew what they want early on and they did not give up on their dreams till they achieved it. They dreamed big.

They had no fear of failure, they were all determined, they were not scared of hard work, and they were ready to sacrifice everything for their ideal. Such men and women are not made different from you and me, they are same as us, but they chose to be who they are, they chose to be great.

To sum it all up, if one wants to be unleash his/ her greatness and limitless power you can start simply by changing your mindset, by rewiring all your wires into positive ones. By staying away from everything that pulls you down or fills you with negativity and self-doubt.

Keeping company with like minded positive people. And most of all having faith and confidence in your abilities. If you can just work on being disciplined, determined, patient, willful, controlled mind and strength I feel we all can be great in whatever we do and help others who have lost their way to greatness and power.

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Thank you,

Best Wishes,

Soma Kalsi

Your Fitness Trainer and Coach