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Are you the kind of person who never exercises regularly? You lack stamina very early on once you start and then as soon as your heart starts to pound within the first 10 mins and your muscles cry out you want to drop everything and get out of there. Does this sound like you? Your mind starts to give you all the good reasons why you should get out of this place as fast as can before anything bad happens.

But then again you desperately try to find a form of exercise that you feel you will stick through but alas! Again the same disappointment.. So you go from gym to gym, class to class in search of something which you can enjoy doing every single day without fail.

Earlier days it was believed that one has to spend at least 60 to 120 minutes per day exercising to reap any benefits from it. But now I am happy to announce that it has changed. Now the experts believe that it’s not the time you spend working out that’s important anymore, it’s the intensity and the kind of workout you do.

So having said that, you need not find a gym that makes you stay there half the day doing nothing but few presses and pulls. You are really not doing anything for your body, you think you are and that’s the reason you don’t see any results.

Now I always believed in less is more funda. I learned it by implementing it myself at my gym.

Earlier when I started I too was forced to think that more is good and would try to stretch my time at least 60 mins or more, if a day I did less than that I felt bad.

But now that has changed, I love my workouts to be sweet and short when I tell my clients “ Today’s workout is going to be sweet and short, they know instantly what’s it going to be like and they literally give me the looks “

At the end of it, everyone loves it. And 30 mins workouts are something which is doable and sustainable. I am not advocating anything beyond 30 you must skip, all I am saying is that if we start thinking “ok let’s do 30 mins at least “, it instantly seems ok and Can Do attitude shows up.

Also if you are someone new or just coming back after a long break, starting slow and less is the key to a consistent lifelong commitment.

And in today’s fast-paced life with less and less time for yourself if someone offers you a 30 mins workout package, even at the comfort of your home, would you not take it?

Question: Are these short workouts really beneficial to your overall health and fitness?

Yes, you bet they are, 30 – minute exercise are not only time-efficient; they are also quite effective for burning fat, building lean muscle mass and improving cardiovascular function.

Shorter sessions often mean you end up engaging in heart rate training, which requires you to exert more energy in shorter periods of time by challenging your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.

The idea is that you switch between moderate intensity (60%-80% of your Max Heart Rate or MHR) and higher intensity (80%+ of your MHR)

This kind of workout, the expert explains, is “calorie-torching” because it burns carbohydrates as well as fat energy stores for fuel. So while you may be working out for less (making it feel more doable), the training you’re doing is often extra efficient.

In the long run, this kind of heart rate training, dipping in and out of both zones, can “increase endurance, improve cardiac health and help burn more fat while developing lean muscle mass, says experts.

What can you do in these short 30 mins workouts? Here are some ideas:

Try short circuits

Circuits are particularly good form of exercise if you’re keen on shorter sessions. In this just select any 5-6 exercises to complete in as many circuits as possible within your chosen time limit.  Take not more than 30 -45 seconds rest between exercises with 1-2 minutes recovery in between each circuit as you progress you minimize the rest period automatically, your body gets well adapted in a short time.

Also when choosing the exercises try to pick one for the upper body followed by lower body exercise or vice a Versa. This is because, although you’ll be giving yourself minimal rest time in between exercises, it will feel like you are resting because you’ll be working different muscle groups. Your arms will get a break while you work your legs, or the other way round.

Also, another great training method is the HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) called the Tabata interval.

This is a very high-intensity workout and would not advise beginners to start with it.

In this training you work only for 20 seconds any exercise you pick followed by 10-sec rest, you can have your exercise series in singles, doubles or all 8 different exercises.

So the total time for this interval, one full circuit is of 4 minutes. With 8 rounds of exercises.

Play around according to your fitness level.

You get burned in just 4 minutes if you do it at the right intensity.

So now what is your excuse and really you don’t have even 4 minutes in a day??? Seriously? Think about it guys …

When you can stay fit and strong and on top of your game in under 30 mins then why miss even a day.

Stay Fit!

Your Personal Trainer
