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Women too like Men can get nice toned abs if they use a balanced and sensible approach. Just performing Crunches and Sit ups won’t work because you can’t spot reduce your stomach fat.

Without making changes to your diet and performing total body workouts that promote fat loss, no amount of ab training will miraculously melt away that love handle.

Focus on workouts for entire body to burn fat, tone muscle and reveal a trimmer tummy.

Know your abs.

There’s no such thing as upper and lower abs because The rectus abdominis which runs the entire length of your torso is the most well-known of the ab muscles and it gives the six- pack appearance.

Your oblique’s both external and internal are located on your sides; these muscles are involved when you turn and twist. Your transverse abdominis, or TVA, lies deep beneath your surface ab muscles and functions like a corset, pulling your abdominal wall inward toward your spine.

Nourish your abs

Starving yourself will not produce nice abs. nourish them – and the rest of the body- With nutrient dense food. Keep a track of your calorie intake stick with that number on a consistent basis. Balance your nutrients between lean protein, complex carbs and whole grains, and healthy fats. Get at least 25 grams of fiber every day and limit your sodium intake.

Work your abs.

Perform a variety of exercises and keep your reps in the 8 – 15 -20 range. Don’t perform hundreds of reps of the same exercise as this can be counterproductive. Focus on your three ab muscle group. Work your rectus abdominis, oblique’s and the Transverse Abdominis ( TVA). Use your body weight and an exercise mat to perform ab exercises if you don’t have any access to other equipment’s.

Strength train your Abs

Strength train your entire body – arms, legs, upper body and lower body, in addition to your abs for the best results. Increase your total body muscle mass to accelerate your metabolism and burn more fat. This lets your toned tight ab muscles shine through, rather than being hidden under a layer of fat. Strength train at least 2- 3 times a week.

Cardio exercises for your Abs

Incorporate cardio exercises into your routine for another way to burn fat and expose your abs. perform such cardio exercises as running, swimming, cycling for 30 -90 mins, but it should be high intensity interval training… high intensity must be in which you can’t talk and for longer workouts your intensity should be lower where you can talk but can’t sing.

Important to train your back muscles at the same time you work on your abs to avoid any muscular imbalances and strengthen your lower back and keep it flexible an injury free.


Sculpt your Abs with these 8 Most Effective Ab Exercises.



One of the best for overall development of the abs, and obliques

Lie down on your back with your legs straight and your hands under your head. Hold one leg up, fully extended few inches off the ground. Pull the knee of your other leg in toward your chest, and touch it with your opposite elbow. Now begin “bicycling” and touch each knee with the opposite elbow as it comes in toward your chest.

The key to making these really effective is to do them slow and controlled.









Works upper abs.

Lie flat on your back. Put your hands under your head, bend your knees so that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground. Pull your chest toward your knees. As with all these exercises, keep your chin about a fist’s length from your chest to avoid placing unnecessary strain on your neck. Hold at the top for a moment while you exhale powerfully them come back down. Again do this with slow controlled movement to make it more effective.



Works Obliques,abs

Lie on your right side with your right arm sticking out straight in front of you on the floor, palm down. place your left hand on your head, with your elbow sticking up toward the ceiling.Keeping your legs together and straight and bending only only at the hips, bring your knees to your right elbow. Lower your legs back to the ground slowly, without letting your feet touch the ground before your next rep.



Works Abs, Hip flexors

One of the greatest exercises for your abs

Lie flat on your back, arms to your side. Keeping only your butt on the ground, bring your chest and your knees up toward each other almost until they touch. Then lean your chest back and straighten your legs out so that both your shoulders and feet are each just a few inches off the ground.



Works Abs, Obliques

Lie on your back with your legs pointing straight up at a 90 deg angle with your upper body. Put your arms straight out on the floor , perpendicular to your body with palms down on the floor.

With your head off the ground, lower your legs to the right, so that your body is still in an L shape. Just before your legs touch the ground, raise them back up to the upright position and lower them to the opposite side. Do this both sides for to complete one rep.









Works all core muscles as well as pectorals, triceps and deltoids

Start in a classic push up pose, then lift one leg straight up behind you and extend your opposite arm straight out in front of you. Keep your head up and make yourself as long as possible. hold as long as you can before switching to the other arm and leg.



Works glutes, Lower back

Lie down flat on your stomach with your arms out straight in front of you. Keeping your legs and arms straight lift them off the ground as high as possible, so that only your torso and pelvis are still on the ground. Hold this for few seconds and repeat.










Strengthens almost every muscle in your body from your shoulders to your calves, especially your entire core- abs, lower back, glutes, hip flexors.

As simple as it is effective. Lie down on your stomach then prop yourself up on your elbows, bent at 90 deg, shoulder width apart, so that your forearms are on the ground.Hold this posture as long as you can be sure to keep your pelvis down and your body straight from head to toe.


Hope you find this article useful!



Soma 🙂