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No matter how beneficial weight training is for fat loss, cardio will always be on the top list. Why? Because maybe it’s the agony of hard work that strength training requires or the misconception that weight training is only for body builders, hence people opt for the easy cardio workouts.

Though the general motive for cardio lovers is fat loss only for this reason they keep on lingering on the same thread mill, pointlessly …Cardio is not essential for fat loss. A solid diet combined with a solid weight training program is all you need . Well I am not advocating that all forms of cardio is bad . The ineffective ones are long distance running, spin bicycles, and the Elliptical .mostly for the repetitive movements bearing more load on single muscle group hence long term deterioration of that muscle.

Best Cardio options which you use as an add on to your existing weight training routine are HIIT workouts but you are just a beginner and not a great fan of intense workouts than low intensity walks will do just fine. swimming is another better option you may include.


When I started my fitness training regime , I always thought I knew the best way to reap maximum results , and that was do max cardio with little weight training and voila I will have the dream body I wanted to have … but well after years at it experimenting and going through research after research..i finally arrived at my own conclusion its doing more of weight training  and less of cardio . well I am not the only one approving this point but many experts and sports and fitness gurus are also advocating the strength training over cardio a lot these days and they do have a point ,let see see what are they:

“Weight training, after establishing a caloric deficit, significantly contributes to weight loss”

To understand if lifting weights really helps, it’s important to realize how weight loss actually happens. The only way to lose weight is by establishing a caloric deficit – that is, consuming less calories than you burn. So, anything that establishes this caloric deficit can help you shed those kilos. Yes, taking the stairs at work, giving up those sugar cravings and even lifting those weights – can all help you lose weight. Besides, spot reduction doesn’t really work and when you’re lifting weights, you are burning fat in different body regions – including your belly.

In fact, a study done by Harvard Researchers showed that men who lifted weights for 20 minutes a day accumulated less belly fat, as compared to those men who spent 20 minutes doing cardio. Find it hard to believe? Another study showed that weight training in women significantly reduces their risk of fat in the belly region.


Weight Training & Metabolism

“Muscle growth increases fat burn & also boosts your metabolism – even in the resting stage”

It’s important to realize that when it comes to burning fat, intensity is the key. A challenging workout session has a greater impact on your metabolism, which leads you to burn more fat not just during the workout, but even after it. For instance, experts believe that lifting heavier weights for even a few reps increases calorie burn significantly, as compared to calories burned doing more reps with lighter weights.

One thing to remember is that when it comes to weight training, the results may not always show up on the scale (remember, muscle is denser than fat). So instead of fretting about the weighing scale figures, continue your workout routine and reach (and surpass) your fitness goals for a healthy and toned body!

So now you can see how only cardio is really a waste of time and effort. Personally I prefer to throw in some HIIT interval workouts, Tabata intervals or cross fits in-between days when not weight training.

These give me the cardiovascular workout I need at the same time building more strength and endurance. And yea most importantly saves TIME!

So ladies next time you hit a gym hopefully you will skip the thread mill for weights!!

Happy Lifting!


Your Fitness Trainer.