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New Year Resolutions!!

New Year Resolutions Well I guess most of us do make these resolutions just to break them so resolve to do all the wrong things that way you will end up doing the right things . lol Wish this could work but nevertheless like I always believe there is no right way or...

From Mumbai with Love

Hi Guys , hope you are enjoying the winter chill as much as I am enjoying the warm sun here in Mumbai. Must say am I glad to get out of that cold spine chilling wheather at Mohali.:)) So What about the workouts I thought of blogging this as writing to each one of you...

Practicing The Art Of Self Compassion.

Practicing The Art Of Self Compassion. Hi Today will be my last day at the gym before the holidays start though it’s for a short period but definitely will miss each and everyone of you. While I was pondering over what more I can say or do for my Dear Friends an...

A little Summary on things we already know…

Hi with the holiday season around the corner and the winters coming in strong things might get a little sketchy but your best bet is to plan ahead and remember a few things about food.. – clear out all the bad stuff you know will make you eat more – keep...

6 Day workout routine during holidays

6 Day bootcamp- Workout Routine Hi below I am putting in a 6 Day circuit style bootcamp workout which you can easily complete within 30 mins you can do the workouts as per your fitness level from beginners to advanced. Remember to warm up properly inorder to avoid any...

Visualize The Positive

” We are all connected. We are all the same. We are all rowing the same boat.” – Annonymous Visualize the Positive Think Yourself FIT ! Before you go for your workout just visualize your exercise session before you get down to do it. As in most of...

9 Simple Tips to Eat Less

Setting a goal (such as losing weight) and implementing steps to reach it (like portion control) are two very different things. When it comes to eating healthier—or eating less for that matter—it isn’t always as simple as “just eating less.” Why?...

The Truth About Exercise and Your Weight

If you’ve been working out and eating fewer calories but your extra pounds won’t budge, you may be wondering why that seemingly simple strategy isn’t working. The truth is you may need a reality check about what to expect from exercise. 1. Exercise...

Understanding Emotional Eating Contd..

STEP 3:  ARREST the negative patterns as they happen. As your level of awareness increases you will become a more conscious eater. This gives you the time to arrest the negative pattern before it arises. It simply means policing your thoughts before you carry out the...

Understanding Emotional Eating

Hi what I am going to talk about in this blog is one of the most important aspect of fat loss . The 5 main principles of burning fat and gaining lean muscles and how it actually works.. so this is going to be quite lengthy hence I will be putting it in part series ....

The Truth About Losing Fat

Lose Fat and Get in Shape.. THE 5 RULES OF FAT LOSS There are five important rules of fat loss listed below: 1. Don’t eat so much In other words, if you’re eating a typical diet, you’re probably eating a bit too much food to lose fat. That’s right, the food you eat...