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10 simple office workouts that you can do secretly…

I have come across so many of my clients who complain about their sitting jobs…Don’t blame them, office spaces are set up to require little movement, making it easy to gain weight. Before you know it, you’ve added enough of kilos on your frame. Besides increasing...

How to get flat and toned Abs For Women

Women too like Men can get nice toned abs if they use a balanced and sensible approach. Just performing Crunches and Sit ups won’t work because you can’t spot reduce your stomach fat. Without making changes to your diet and performing total body workouts that promote...

Why winter is the ‘best’ season for weight loss

Whenever we get close to the colder months , our bodies and minds tends to move more towards hibernation isn’t it so ? We are so accustomed to relating coldness to decreasing activity and creating warmth both outside and inside that we tend to forget that we are not...

Is Cardio Better than Weight training for Fat lose?

No matter how beneficial weight training is for fat loss, cardio will always be on the top list. Why? Because maybe it’s the agony of hard work that strength training requires or the misconception that weight training is only for body builders, hence people opt for...

13 reasons you should be doing body weight exercises

Getting fit doesn’t have to be rocket-science, and simple bodyweight exercises can be a great choice for achieving gains in strength, building muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning fat. Here are the top 13 reasons why must fit them in your daily...

Life is a Game- (Taken from writings of Paramhansa Yogananda)

What is Karma? If we accept the principle of cause and effect in Nature, and of action and reaction in physics, how can we not believe that this natural law extends also to human beings? Such is a law of karma: As you sow, so shall you reap. If you sow evil, you will...

Top 10 priorities to add to your resolution list in 2016!

Last few days left for new year … and I am sure most of you already planning how to spend the 31stnight and what resolutions to make in order to eventually break them. Hence to make things a bit easier here I am giving you top 10 of my own personal thoughts of what...

What do you mean by better body..

Hey All, In my previous blog  I told you a bit about my story and how my knee broke down a year back. I told you how I embarked on a journey to a better body. But there’s an important question that I often think about and I am sure you think about it too: What...

Know your portion size

You may be eating better, but are you eating less? If you’re not controlling portions, you could be sabotaging your weight-loss efforts. “Problem is, a serving size and portion sizes are not always the same thing,” explains Deborah Beauvais, RD, a...

Eat More, Stress Less

Can Food Boost Energy and Mood? Though it’s too soon to say, “An apple a day keeps the doldrums away,” researchers are studying the links between what we eat and how we feel. There is evidence that changing your diet can change your metabolism and brain...