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Reasons your weight changes throughout the day

There are many reasons why you see so much of fluctuations in your weight throughout the day. Weight depends on a lot of factors and solely depending on it can actually cause you a lot of heartache if you don’t understand how the system works. So below are few...

The vegetarian diet

Healthy eating as a vegetarian The Eatwell Guide shows the different types of food we should eat – and in what proportions – to have a healthy, balanced diet. You don’t need to achieve this balance with every meal, but try to get the balance right over a day, or...

How To Plan Your Own Workout Effectively.

I always tell my clients to first study and know what they are getting into. The why’s and what’s and how’s are pretty much an integral part of starting any workout regime, whether your goals are for weight loss or simply to get more strength and toned. You must know...

LIFEHACK- Ditching the Alarm Clock.

  Tell Yourself What Time You Want to Wake Up in the Morning and Ditch Your Alarm Clock To be honest this is one method which really works In tandem with the rest. Our brain is super marvelous and it does everything we ask it to do, now the challenge is to give...

The right mindset for successful weight loss!

I have been struggling with this question myself for some time , as a fitness trainer I find that this is one of the most important search for anyone who is trying to lose weight, stay fit and gain more strength and confidence for long term. Short term losing is easy,...

Autophagy, Exercise and Fasting.

Just the other day I came across an article on ‘Autophagy’ ,didn’t know what it meant at the time so after reading further I got to know some really amazing and outstanding facts about our body and its mechanism for detoxification which is called Autophagy .. Disease...

All About Calories…

Today I am going talk about what are the main problems in counting calories, and how we can smartly lose weight without obsessing too much about calories. The world is obsessed with (counting) calories.  We’ve convinced ourselves that the caloric input vs output...

Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

Hi Guys ! Wanted to share this blog with you found it very inspiring and motivating . I am a 23 year old female and recently had  conversation with two other female friends of my age. None of us is single one of them is married and me and the other one are in a long...

All About Your Back !

Hi, I am writing this article on behalf of all my clients and friends , who I have seen struggling on and off with Back Pains. Pain in the lower back can kick you out of commission for several days hampering your normal day to day life , for many its not just the...

Attitude Makes all the difference

This poem was written by Rockefeller at the age of 86 just before he died almost 100 years ago. “It turns out our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.” Then why are we so...

The Mechanics of Fat Loss

Back to the basics Many of you who are regular at any gyms has heard this trendy term Fat Loss. The good hearted trainer will always explain to you the difference between weight loss and fat loss. You nod your head in the knowing and you work hard, try to eat right,...