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Changing your Life.

Change is always difficult who says its easy. but things that come easy do they last???. No! you don’t have to sulk for the rest of your life only because you have spent last 20 years already being a failure. You can change and you will change, only depends on how seriously you take yourself.

If the world is giving you shit, then remember you and only you asked for it.  Stand up for yourself right now and see the difference you create in your life.

I don’t see a problem as a problem for me it’s a time for change and the universe is just making me aware by throwing in a few stones in my path, this way I get focused, determined and ready to tackle my problems. Also focusing on what you have rather not what you don’t have lets you have hope for the future and your existing situation becomes bearable. Try not to worry about things that don’t go according to your expectations. Be happy that you got to experience life the way it is and not the way it’s supposed to be by your standards. So this is the difference between someone who takes problems as challenges and someone who takes problems as obstacles …

The best part is that now that I know what this means. I don’t worry having problems in my life in fact I believe with every problem one faces he/she becomes more adept at life and its teachings. It’s a huge high when you look back in your life and see how you tackled all your problems. Trust me on that.

You know when things actually started shifting for me. A few years back everything about my life was a problem… my entire life was a mess I didn’t have a clue what was going on utter confusion and chaos. And what did I do? all I did was blame blame everything about my life even the house I was living for a long time I thought this place has got something to do with my bad luck. Now was I right? No I wasn’t even remotely, if I were, then today I wouldn’t be sitting and writing this blog for you to read.

Now I don’t remember the exact moment my life took a 360 turn but I do know how it happened and it started the moment I stopped looking for people and things to blame for my misfortune and started realizing that all that I thought true was actually a fallacy, there were no problems I was creating all of it inside my head and all universe was doing was that it was helping me by manifesting whatever I was thinking… so you see we blame that we don’t get good stuff easily and all the bad stuff comes to us so easily. there is a reason for that … the way we think of negativity; the power we give to all that is bad is much stronger than the power we give to good positive things. If you look at this closely you will get what I am talking about.

We are constantly focusing on I CANTS, I DON’T WANT TO’S, I AM NOT WORTHY, I CAN BUT WHAT IF, AND SO ON AND ON. Am I making sense here?

So the moment I stopped looking for solutions outside and stopped the blame game and took responsibility of my life in my own hands, things started to shift and slowly and slowly everything that used to bug me like hell started disappearing. Of course tests are still on, but the lessons learnt can never be forgotten and that is why I may still stumble and fall but I will know why it happened and it just makes it easier to get up and get back on game again.

Destiny always has other stuff planned for you but Universe lets you choose too. It gives you a chance to save your skin from time to time in many ways in form of opportunities and guidance. But it’s all up to you if you are open and receiving to listen to your inner intuition and grab the right choice. So use your free will very wisely as you may not be fortunate enough to get many chances this lifetime. And to make the right decision you will need to be silent and turn inward to your own true self. That is your super consciousness.  So here is how your free will helps you make your own destiny and if you are focused, determined and have the will then even the gods come down running to help you out.


So my main aim is to get something lodged inside your consciousness. And that is wake up! To your own destiny which is in your own hands, doesn’t matter whether you are someone’s, daughter, or someone’s wife or a mother… you are still an individual, with your own body and mind and a super consciousness.

So get up and take charge of your own life, your own words and your own commitments. Always start with commitment to your own self you owe yourself that.

If this means coming to class daily and on time so be it. Do it no matter u sleep for 2 hours, no matter you don’t feel like going, no matter you have to run to another appointment after the class. You promised yourself that you will honor your word so JUST DO IT!

Trust me the next time you really honor your word you will see that when you look at yourself in the mirror you will find a dynamic, powerful person in you. I am sure all of you want that. Don’t you!

So start looking at your life and see where you are not honoring yourself. The things you self-talk… how positive and negative they are. Start becoming aware of how you behave or talk when in front of others …what are your strong and weak points in your character. note them down …this takes practice but once again when this becomes a habit this will become your very being.

So get up and change your lives. Don’t be your own prisoners…

So the first thing is to HONOUR YOUR WORD towards yourself and to others.

Which simply means that you become your word, when you tell something you do that you make sure others listen when you tell them your word(words). You word shows your integrity towards your commitments.

For example, if you have given your word to your client that the project will be done by this date make sure you do it without keeping the outcome in your mind. The same goes for your own self your time with your mind and body. Take for example, you decide that I will start my workouts religiously from today and also will sit for meditations daily. Then make sure you are doing this, honoring your own word. Remember, you may think its ok to take a break and just let loose, yes it’s perfectly fine but do that only when you don’t have any commitments to yourself or others. Remember you may break your commitments thinking that no one will come to know as you made them for yourself but be aware that there is someone who knows every single thing about you and that is YOU , after breaking a promise try looking at yourself in the mirror, I am telling you won’t like it.

We take our talks very lightly.  we talk talk talk without knowing the implications of all that garbage talks. Do this exercise the next time you are having a conversation with a friend or a colleague or your any of your family member. Just get aware and see in all of the time that you were talking how much of it were really relevant or useful for either of you or how much of it was positive or negative. You will be surprised when you do this ….

Now the next important aspect of our behavior is our little voices inside our heads… we all hear them all the time. Especially when you are trying to be silent and meditating right? Yes, or no.

Hope you know the distinction between your gut or intuitive voices and the voice inside your head.

It’s pretty simple… your intuitions most of the time will be against you. That’s the reason you never listen to it. But the voices inside are always telling u what you want to hear and that’s why you listen and act on them without giving it a second thought… don’t u do that??

Intuitions comes from your soul that’s why they always tell you the truth about yourself and others around you. the voices in your head comes from your own physical conscious mind which perceives the world through its past experiences only. It does not see beyond time and causation. Its limited to individual’s thoughts and imaginations about everything around him. And that’s why they are wrong most of the time why am I saying most is because sometimes when you are aware of those voices and you are able to change them into positive thoughts then they become good for you. Get it! But for this to happen you need to practice awareness every minute of your day.

You know something very interesting guys is that we have become so damn good in predicting our failures and our shortcomings and not just about us but also our near and dear ones.

We very confidently pass judgements about ourselves and others even if it is very negative. We feel proud owing up to our mistakes and failures feeling good about ourselves.

Tell me how many of you reading this right now don’t feel bad when you make a commitment and you cannot keep it. Could be as simple as getting up one hour early for the class or something. or not being able to do the challenge??

So that’s what I am talking about if you have noticed we take our failures and negative behavior pretty well in fact we have become masters of disguise, we know how to mask our real faces so well that we have actually forgotten who we really are? am I right???

Now here comes another important point that I want to make of LOOKING GOOD.

Each one of us suffer from this disease from time to time. Some of us are so into looking good that we sometimes even look good for ourselves first of all let me explain what it means.

One way of explaining is when we are always saying “YES” when we actually want to say ‘NO’.

Saying NO where required for the healthy development of relationships and self is not selfish or immoral. You are just being honest that you cannot lend your time and effort for something which is not useful for either you or the person asking. Trying to help by going beyond your means only to earn some admiration is called ‘Looking Good’ and most of us fall victims to it knowingly and unknowingly.

Yes I am not asking you not to help someone who really needs some genuine help even if you don’t want to or don’t have the time ..but just be aware of your actions and limit yourself where it is unnecessary. So look at the situation first objectively and see if you can do away without looking good then do it be yourself for once. Don’t try to be the ideal, mother, wife and bahu for anybody’s sake. Try to have some individuality won’t harm you.

So to sum it up:

Living consciously be aware of who you are as an individual. Honor your word and commitments to yourself and others. Stop looking good all the time, doesn’t matter if you say no once in a while and lastly Never listen to little voices inside your head as they are mostly nasty and will always misguide you.

I want to end today’s blog with something profound just like the thought that life is empty and meaningless “life is impersonal too but we take it too personally and that is why there is so much pain and suffering. Your experiences are personal but they are not your life, you make those your life.  If you think deep enough you will understand what the great sages and thinkers have been trying to tell us that life is AS IT IS. THIS IS IT! IT IS GOING ON, IT NEVER ENDS. YOUR EXPERIENCES COME AND GO. YOUR BODY COMES AND GOES. BUT LIFE GOES ON. GET THAT! SO IF YOU THINK YOU ARE SUFFERING Because YOU ARE SPECIAL AND THAT LIFE HAS CHOSE YOU. KINDLY THINK AGAIN!

Thank You!