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This poem was written by Rockefeller at the age of 86 just before he died almost 100 years ago.

“It turns out our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.”

Then why are we so hardwired to attract negative in our lives ? don’t we contradict ourselves when asked we say we want peace and happiness but instead when given a choice we pick just the opposite.

That’s amazing Human psychology wouldn’t you agree.

So According to the awesome Zig Ziglar a very famous motivational speaker he says that in order to get out of your negative self talk you need to turn it into a positive one and this is how;

If there is something you don’t like about your current situation could be your job, your home, your relations, your kids, or yourself.

Just do one thing retire to your space where you won’t be disturbed, take a note book and pen and write down everything you like about it. I am sure if you think hard enough you will surely find some positive traits in that person or situation you have started disliking so much.

Now after you do that keep it aside for a while and then before retiring to bed at night open the book again stand in front of a mirror look into your eyes, remember your eyes are the windows to your soul and what you look at impacts the outcome stronger than just listening to it . so look at yourself and with all the excitement and enthusiasm change the word ‘LIKE’ to ‘LOVE’ for every sentence you have written for example I love my job instead of I like my Job, I love my husband  instead of I like my Husband … and so forth. You will sleep better that night… when you say ‘I love’ you are actually saying that you are grateful for what you have and according to the census the healthiest of all human emotions is the emotion of gratitude. Repeat the same process of repeating I LOVE my….. in the front of the mirror right after you get up in the morning and before you step out for the day with excitement and enthusiasm and take the list along with you. You see this way you will have started a chain from a fault finder to a good finder. Most of us are always finding fault with others and ourselves and we are so engrossed in this process that we forget to see the little goodness each and every one has in them.

If you do this for some time you will start to notice the positive change not only in yourself but in all those you have been complaining about. you see you cannot change others but you can change You and that’s all what is needed to bring about the radical change in your life.

People become negative most of the time is due to childhood conditioning as they were always put down by their parents, elders or teachers saying that they are no good for this or that .. and they grow up with such negative self-talk that it becomes a part of who they are , and they start blaming everything and everybody for their shortcomings. But yes you can break this chain by inducing positive self-talk as mentioned above.

If you believe in yourselves then nothing can stop you. The truth is that all the wisdom and power is already within you and the sooner you believe that, the better for you. You can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are crazy. You can do anything and everything without even the guidance of any one. All power is there. Stand up and express the divinity within you.

So do this exercise daily twice or as many times as possible. Keep giving positive self-talk whenever possible, your mind won’t get the chance to dwell on anything negative ever.

And remember try doing it in front of the mirror at least once a day and affirm with conviction and enthusiasm. Trust me all the doors to success and happiness will open for you.

Thank you for reading!

Your Fitness and Soul friend,
