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Well this thought comes to our mind more than often while trying to lose that stubborn weight or specially those last few kilos that you have been struggling to lose.

Mostly till now we have heard the experts say Losing weight = less calorie intake+ more calorie expenditure, right? but what if I were to tell you that no, this is not entirely correct, and after some research the new formula that seems to be working more is overweight = overeating + over desiring of food .

So basically, a person tends to remain over weight is simply cause he/she thinks she is hungry all the time and the desire for food drives the person to overeat in the first place and gets him/her fat.

So basically Overhunger and Overdesire create Overweight.

Now I am sure you will all agree to this really very simple approach to curbing our getting fat tendency.

Cause this is all science based, our body is a very complex mechanism, both inside and outside. if it were as simple as what you are is what you eat, then I am sure many of us who are really trying hard to eat all the right stuff and still not losing will disagree, right?

Cause its not that simple.. you see food is just a fuel, but what our mind does is that it attaches a lot more substance to it than just fuel. We eat not only when we are hungry but also when we are just happy, or at a restaurant with family and friends or at the mall shopping or simply alone at home cause we are bored or had a fight with our better half’s. So this means we eat all the time . also we eat when its time to eat , who really decided that we need to eat 3 times or 4 times or 6 times a day?

All these fad diets and timings have screwed our own body’s ability to decide when and what we should eat. Just like one size does not fit all similarly one diet or one time does not suit all. Very important point to remember.

Our body is made up of billions and trillions of cells and neurons and it’s a very intricate and complex machinery, it’s got the worlds best super computer sitting right on the top of our heads, our brain . Give it a little respect guys, your body truly knows what it wants. Trust me I have been fooling myself all these years thinking I know better what to put inside this machine, I wasn’t really listening to it … I started with eating every two 2 hours, didn’t do all that good cause I realized I was eating even when I wasn’t hungry, then I tried fasting it off, even that didn’t go very well, cause my body is made different. Now I eat when I feel like eating and since few days its working really well for me.

So understand one thing here guys, its not just food and calories, there are whole lot of other stuff going on inside such as HORMONES, they are responsible for all your Hunger, Thirst, Satiation and so on. So if they are whacked up then you know what you are up against, no amount of good diets or fasting will save you. Understanding how these hormones work and working in harmony with it is the key to a long lasting and healthy body.

So instead of treating only the symptoms of overweight or not being able to reach your ideal weight treat the underlying reason …ask yourself why am I not losing?

Am I eating healthy enough?

Am I exercising enough?

Am I sleeping well enough?

Am I getting all the macro and micro nutrients that my body needs?

Am I emotional eater?

Am I aware of my portion sizes?

Am I always in good positive mood while eating?

Are my hormones working harmoniously together?

So you first find out if you are correct on all of these, if not ofcourse none of us are, you need to go back re-evalute yourselves and get into the right program for the right reasons and get yourselves back on track .

Many of you have been desperately trying to lose weight since many years, and you have been jumping from gym to gym, from workouts to workouts, from diets to diets and even fasting and yet you find yourselves in roadblocks.. so now do it differently, coach yourself instead of finding help from outside, find it inside … sit down journal and work on your actual problem not just the symptoms always keeping in mind that no body is alike. So treat yours with love, respect and understanding and you will go a long way with it .

Your body is your temple, place where you will live in this life so make sure you keep it clean and healthy.

Work from inside out from now on. will take time but the results will be lifelong.