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I have been struggling with this question myself for some time , as a fitness trainer I find that this is one of the most important search for anyone who is trying to lose weight, stay fit and gain more strength and confidence for long term.

Short term losing is easy, you stop eating , start rigorous workouts, stay away from all junk food and fattening foods and voila! you come down few sizes in just couple of weeks, but then the real challenge comes when you have to struggle to keep up with the same routine .

Honestly you will need a herculean will power to keep up with this kind of insanity. Where all you do is eat very little and work your ass off like crazy.

So here comes the thing about MINDSET. Now if you look around and come across people who have been really successful in their journey towards healthy eating and living and losing all the unwanted weight and keeping it that way… there are few things that they do differently than most of the  people who spend endless amount of money on gym memberships and supplements only to fail miserably in the end..

So let us explore what makes them different and successful?

  1. They are INTERNAL REFERENCE people; meaning they do not get affected by their surroundings easily. They know themselves, they know from where they are coming and most importantly they know what they want from themselves. They are confident about who they are and they want to change only for themselves not for anybody else. Most importantly they know their ‘WHY’s”.
  2. They do not FEAR FAILURE; these people never quit, there’s a popular saying which states that success happens outside your comfort zone. It’s true. In order to become successful, you have to push yourself and suppress your fear of failure. Failure isn’t the worst thing that can happen. At least you can learn something when you make a mistake. No trying is the worst.
  3. They are FOCUSED and DETERMINED in their pursuit to better bodies and minds. This becomes like a religion to them. They do not find EXCUSES for missing any work day. They don’t need reasons not to do the last rep. they are tireless as they know what they will get at the end of it, so they know what they want, how to get it and how to keep it.
  4. They work outside their COMFORT ZONE; they will never say never, always trying to push themselves beyond limits. These men and women not only work their bodies hard but also train their minds and develop immense will power.
  5. They constantly LEARN; knowledge is POWER. Many people underestimate the importance of knowing or learning about healthy lifestyles or the exercises they are doing, they are very much happy to do what they are told by their trainers never ever questioning why this is important for them. This is what successful people do, they listen, they read, they research and they learn.
  6. When they fall, they don’t fall hard ; Successful people view every SETBACK as a LEARNING experience to improve their performance. Everyone inevitably experiences setbacks, but how they take the falls are the defining moments that separate the winners from the losers in the long run.
  7. They act DECISIVELY; when you know what you want, it all of a sudden becomes a lot easier to set out about choosing everything from where to eat to where you want to work for. All of this has to do about managing time, health and all small aspects of life that help us slowly crawl towards the top.
  8. They are EARLY RISERS; Have you ever heard the phrase – the early bird catches the worm? Guess what, it’s true! Successful people wake up early and have accomplished more in a.m. than most are able to do by noon. Checking off your to dos early, will motivate you to accomplish more as the day progresses.
  9.  They hang out with SELECTIVE PEOPLE; working hard to achieve your goals only works when you are surrounded with people who make you feel good. You need to be at your best to achieve the big dreams in your life. Negative people just weigh you down.

    So these go getters always stay in a positive surrounding conducive to their goals and does not let nay Sayers come close. This is very important if you want to really stick to your path without any deviation. Look around and see who are the people you hang out with the most and then decide if they are good for you or you should stay away from them.

  10. They don’t make EXCUSES ; Successful people don’t have the word “excuse” in their vocabulary. When you think about your dream, it’s easy to come up with an excuse not to do your best to make it come true. Successful people don’t do that. They are proactive and do their best to overcome each obstacle that comes their way. After all, if you don’t believe in your dream, why would anyone else?
  11. They master the ART OF DISCIPLINE ; they  will sacrifice their social life for a few months to achieve a goal, get up two hours earlier each morning to get to the gym, or say ‘No’ to cake when wanting to lose weight. They make decisions about what behavior best reflects their goals and values and many even have a mission statement.
  12.  They have the RIGHT ATTITUDE; Successful people think about what they want and formulate a plan to achieve it. They don’t sit around dwelling on what they don’t have, what they’ve missed, and how they have gotten screwed over. Most importantly they never give up.
    There is a saying which goes like this “CONQUER YOURSELF AND YOU SHALL CONQUER THE WORLD”

    Many times when you try something new, strive for a better result, something inside you, the voice inside your head, will attempt to stop you or to slow you down. “Don’t do this, you might get yourself into some unnecessary trouble, or this might not work” This inner voice is meant to protect you from getting hurt. However, it is the same protective barrier which has prevented a lot of people from moving forward, from making a difference in their life. so always listen to your intuition and not to the voice inside your head. Differentiate between the two for a successful life in all areas.