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There are two types of pain.

  1. Physical Pain
  2. Psychological pain

In Physical pain you hurt a part of your body and it pains . you experience it when your brain and mind acts on it. The more you think and feel pain it always gets worse right?

But this kind of pain is only on the surface and which can be easily controlled once you have learned how to distract yourself from it. But the real sucker is the psychological pain and not physical pain.

This kind of pain sucks out your life force energy , hence what we should be worrying about eliminating is the psychological pain or sorrow.

For example .. you meet with an accident and fracture your leg. Now you are having real bad physical pains which is natural due to the nature of the injury . but after few days of stay at the hospital and with pain medicines subscribed you are sent home and asked to be in plaster for a month after that they will review you. Now you are home all well but suddenly you don’t feel so good anymore you start worrying about your injury your recovery and every small details possible ..this is the start of psychological pains.. you feel abandoned and lonely and your immobility is driving you nuts. Here what is happening is that your psychological pain gets superimposed on the physical pain. After sometime there is confusion which one is causing more suffering.

Physical pain gets aggravated, exaggerated by the psychological pain.

if only you understand that psychologically there can be a world without pain and sorrow. But physically there will always be pain and sorrow but if we look deeper into this we can manage physical pain and eliminate the psychological pain.

You already know that in todays world about 90 percent of all ailments are psychosomatic illnesses, which means they have no physical cause . and why is it so that our forefathers enjoyed good health till the end of their days.. science has helped to increase average human life span over the decades but it has failed to lessen the diseases which also have increased proportionately along with life span.

All this Is due to the perpetual stressful life we are all living these days. Human beings have forgotten who they are.and they are increasingly getting disconnected from their inner self. And this is the reason we fall prey to psychological pain. Which is number one killer.

Say you have a problem could be regarding your career or personal life, first thing you do is start worrying about why do you have a problem and that leads to conflict, that conflict in turn becomes a pyschological sorrow which in turn manifests in your body as physical pain. So only by wise thinking not just positive thinking you can eliminate your psychological pain. If you do have a problem first step is to acknowledge that you do have a problem take it as a learning lesson to grow more. Say wow! This problem is inviting me to be a better individual not a bitter individual.

Have a hunter’s attitude towards life. A hunter loves the excitement of danger. More dangerous it is more alert he has to be and he enjoys it even more. You cannot avoid physical pain but you can definitely avoid psychological pain.

Another attitude is to have a spiritual attitude that all difficulties is like a divine surgery. Everything happens for the good. As long as I walk the path of goodness everything is going to happen good. Be anchored in goodness and do good then you will have an invisible strength from a higher source and you will be able to face all the turmoils of life. Inner strength opens up when you are in the path of goodness and doing good acts.

When you discover happiness within you all your sorrows will disappear.

Seeds of wisdom:

Seekers should understand that we are not burning by external circumstances but internal conflicts of jealousy, hatred, anger and chaos burns us. Once we understand how to put an end to this inner conflict. And this is what one must inquire and this fire can be put out by wisdom of understanding .

One who is eligible realizes that I am the cause of my misery, I am the cause of my conflict so I am responsible to finding the answer from within .

God is not something to be believed. God is something to be experienced.

For success be a master of problem. Be a part of a solution rather than a victim of a problem. Get inspired by a problem. Be in a state of flow.

Be happy in the NOW.

Excellence is never static. Excellence is always dynamic.

To know and not to act on what you know is equal to you do not know.

Chose company as you chose food.

First accept injustice in your life. Such is the way of life we bring a quota of karma with us. Acceptance is the first step.

Count your blessings everyday.

Thank you !