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We have all at one point or the other have catered to the idea that more you sweat more you lose weight. Well haven’t you  come across some real enthusiasts who likes to wear layers and layers of clothing even on a hot humid day and run around the park just to soak in their own sweat thinking this will lead to major fat loss. But alas! If only that was true.

So what really sweating does then?

Let us understand it a bit scientifically:

Sweat is your body’s reaction when your core temperature exceeds 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. In an effort to maintain your body’s preferred temperature, your brain activates the sweat glands in your skin. You start to lose water along with salts, sugar and minute amounts of the waste products created during protein breakdown. Between 2 million and 4 million sweat glands on your body release sweat to cool you down. Some people sweat more than others, even in the same conditions. The temperature and humidity level does influence your sweat rate, but so does your genetics, gender, age and fitness level.

When moisture in sweat evaporates off your skin, it cools you down. You sweat more in heat and humidity, it simply means your body has to release perspiration to bring your body temperature down. Larger people tend to sweat more because they have a greater amount of body mass to cool down. Fitter people also tend to sweat more, but this is because their cooling system is especially efficient — giving them the ability to work harder for longer.

However, to mistake this sweat for fat loss is wrong because even though you are burning more calories, your body is using its fat stores to generate energy. Therefore, every time you work out, this process of sweating and burning calories repeats itself and results in weight loss and not fat loss.

Fat doesn’t technically burn or melt. It gets released from fat cells to provide your body with energy. Your body breaks down the fat into its parts — fatty acids and glycerol — which are then metabolized. The more energy you need, the more your body pulls from your fat cells. The bodily function that causes you to use fat for energy operates independently of the one that causes you to sweat.

Purposefully exercising in a hot or humid environment doesn’t mean you’re working harder to burn more fat. You’re simply raising your body temperature to a point that prompts you to sweat more. Working hard in a hot, humid conditions can actually be dangerous. Wearing layers or other warm clothing may also prompt you to sweat more, but it won’t make you lose fat faster than someone in shorts. It’ll simply make you sweat sooner and possibly lose more water weight, not fat.

Sweat doesn’t burn more fat, but it can be an indication that you’re working hard. The more intensely you work, the higher your core temperature rises, which results in perspiration to cool you down. If your sweat is a result of a hard workout — and not the external temperature — you’re likely using energy and burning fat.

Workouts that don’t prompt you to sweat a lot are still beneficial, too. Yoga, Pilates and stretching hone your balance, flexibility and core strength but may not make you drip with sweat. You’re still building a stronger, more functional body.

You may notice that after a strenuous workout, the number on the scale has gone down. This does not mean you have lost any weight, but you have lost a fair amount of fluids. You should replace that lost weight with water or a sports drink to avoid dehydration.

If you enter a workout dehydrated, you may not sweat efficiently either. Your body increases in temperature, but you’re unable to effectively cool the body back down. This results in a decreased ability to perform and is why hydration is critical to exercise success.

The American Council on Exercise recommends you consume about 20 ounces of water two to three hours before you begin a big workout; 8 ounces just before you exercise; 8 ounces every 20 minutes during exercise and another 8 ounces within 30 minutes of completing the session. Weigh yourself before and after the workout, too. When the scale says you’ve lost notable weight immediately after a workout, drink 16 to 24 ounces of water to replace each pound you’ve lost.

Hope this article helps you to understand the important relationship between weight loss and fat loss and how sweating contributes in this matter. This is a huge confusion in the minds of many individuals who start working out without knowing the specifics and science behind it.

Thank You !