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Gas and bloating are a natural result of our body’s digestive system breaking down food. The problem arises when the gas doesn’t leave the body through burping or flatulence, it builds up in the digestive tract leading to bloating and cramps.

Tips to control the gas and bloating:

Don’t hold the gas inside. Many of us tend to force our bodies to hold the gas inside in order to avoid embarrassment , but passing gas is a natural and necessary bodily function . Preventing to pass will only lead to more discomfort and pain.

If you are outside in public find an isolated place or go to a bathroom where you can wait till the pain has subsided.

If you find it difficult to pass gas , try adjusting your position , lie down and relax your muscles completely till the pressure in your stomach subsides.

Moving around can help too , take a brisk walk or do some stairs up-down can help gas make its way out.

Use hot pad or compress. For quick relief from gas and bloating.

Drink mint or chamomile tea

Have some garlic, fresh garlic is more helpful then capsules. Avoid taking garlic with other foods. Have it alone for more effectiveness.

If nothing else works then take over the counter gas relief medication. Choose a medicine meant to break up gas bubbles and reduce the pressure in your intestines and stomach.

Making lifestyle changes

Avoid foods that cause gas such as all types of beans, Fibrous fruits and vegetables . Cabbage, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables tend to cause more gas production than salad greens.

Dairy products made from cow milk. Cow milk contains lactose, which disagrees with many people’s digestive systems. Avoid milk, cheese, ice cream, and other dairy products made with lactose milk. Artificial additives.and Soda and other carbonated beverages.

  • Change the order of your food take bit of protein before carbs. The body naturally produces hydrochloric acid, which breaks down protein, when you first start eating a meal. Instead of starting your meals with bread and salad, take a few bits of your meat, fish, or other protein first.
  • Chew your food well. Your mother was right when she said eat slowly . Making sure you chew every bit thoroughly before swallowing creates less work for your stomach and intestine, reducing the chnaces that the food will cause gas.
  • Try to chew each bite 20 times before swallowing. Put your fork down between bites to give yourself time.
  • Slowing down the eating process also prevents you from swallowing as much air as you do when eating quickly, so bloating and burping won’t occur as frequently.

Eat Yogurt. Yogurt containing probiotics is a common source of bacteria that helps in digestion

Treat Digestive Disorders

Be aware of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. It’s natural for gas and bloating to occur every once in awhile, If you have painful bloating or excess flatulence on a daily basis, though, the issue may extend beyond what you can fix by changing your dietary habits.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects your colon, and causes cramping and diarrhea when certain foods are consumed

  • Celiac disease is a digestive disorder triggered by ingestion of gluten, a protein found in bread and other food products containing wheat, barley or rye.

  • Crohn’s disease is a gastrointestinal disorder that can become quite severe if not treated effectively.

If you feel your symptoms are getting more severe and home remedies or over the counter medications are not helping you anymore and you have tried all the life style and diet changes then its something more serious and you need to talk to your health provider .

Tip: Regular exercises such as walking, swimming , jogging even yoga has shown great results in controlling gas and bloating to a greater extend.


The most important thing is to learn about your body as everyone responds to food and food groups in a different manner so listen to your body and see what works for you sometimes even healthy food groups might give you more problem such as too much of fibre and protein . so understand do some trial and error before you eliminate entire food groups from your diet.

Hope this was helpful please leave your comments Thanks!!
