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Whenever we get close to the colder months , our bodies and minds tends to move more towards hibernation isn’t it so ?

We are so accustomed to relating coldness to decreasing activity and creating warmth both outside and inside that we tend to forget that we are not in the caves anymore … our ancestors did have to conserve most of their energies by keeping themselves warm by the fire or not doing too much of physical activity unless necessary and of course eating high caloric food all the time cause that was the only means to survive.. they did not have warm houses or heaters or multilayered clothings with them . they did what they had to do in order to live but now things are different but the mindset is still the same ..somewhere deep within our psyche we still fear the coldness , dampness , fogginess. we tend to feel sluggish and we feel less energetic due to the chills and less sun. Though to some extend it might be true , but contrary to the popular belief winters are the best season to burn fat and lose weight and stay energetic and here’s how:

Turns out, keeping cool can help you slim down and shed kilos even without much efforts – from sleeping in a cold room to shivering for just 10 minutes. And here’s the proof!

The brown fat factor

Some studies suggest that cold temperatures activate the body’s stores of brown fat, the ‘good’ type of fat that actually helps you burn more calories and eradicate harmful ‘white fat’ from the body. In other words, your body uses more energy/calories in cold weather than it does in warm weather to keep you warm, therefore, using up a lot more calories than in the warmer months.

According to the scientists at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, being mildly cold – that is, not to the point of shivering – can increase the rate of energy burnt by between 3 and 30 percent.

The shiver workout

Research has shown that shivering with cold may be as effective as exercise when it comes to staying fit and slim. Scientists found that shivering for 10 to 15 minutes can burn as many calories as an hour of moderate exercise. They identified two hormones that are stimulated by cold – irisin and FGF21- released from shivering muscle and brown fat respectively. These hormones produced when we are cold fire up the energy-burning rate of brown fat cells.

Though as a trainer , I would not suggest this method of inducing shivering for few mins to working out . As with different body types and metabolic rates , results can be different also unless you live in the arctic where all year round you can shiver all you want unfortunately,  here its only few months in a year so all the fat you lose will probably just pile up once your shivering is gone.. so the right way is to exercise daily with the right diet plan , cause losing weight isn’t the only important thing . Embracing a healthy lifestyle and staying fit and strong is .

So what have you decided for this winter ? working out to sweat or shiver to cover ??

Winter weight loss

Sticking to a healthy eating or a fitness regimen is rarely easy during the colder months, although it’s the key to a successful weight loss. And as the mercury plunges to bone-chilling degree Celsius, it becomes difficult for the majority of people to keep up with their fat loss program. But, if you’re really trying to shed a few pounds, it’s important to know that winter is an ideal, perhaps, the best season to do so , so here are 3 basic rules to help you with your winter fat loss. remember you need to work smartly.

Keep track of your activity

You may not know, but wintertime is a perfect time to wear your activity tracker – a device that measures your steps, heart rate, sleep and other basic fitness parameters. Even if you are not able to stick with your workout plan, try to get 10,000 steps a day.

Load your plate with protein-rich foods

Turns out, a diet high in protein is just what you need to reach your weight loss goal. You need protein to keep you feel full for a longer period and maintain your happy weight. Protein can also help stabilise blood sugar levels. However, opt for protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in saturated fat and calories, such as lean meats, seafood, eggs, beans, low-fat dairy, soy, nuts, and seeds, etc.

Choose your carbs smartly

The problem is that our modern-day staples like white bread, white rice, potato and many kinds of cereal are low in fiber and refined foods that are digested and absorbed quickly. This makes them easy to over-consume as they don’t fill you up. Choosing your carbs wisely can help you lose weight, boost your health and boost your energy. Focus on carbs that satiate such as vegetables, or those with protein and fiber – like beans and dairy.

Also Supplement yourself with Vitamins and Minerals esp Vitamin D3 ( as this falls really low during winters due to less sun exposure ), B12 esp if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, Fish oils.

Munch on variety of nuts and seeds, also fruits and raw veges. drink plenty of fluid and include green tea.

These few things will definitely help you lose weight more effectively even in winters.

So lets embrace this season with energy and high performance.

Hope this article was helpful.

Thank you


your Fitness Trainer:)